
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Skinny Chili Cheese Fries

One of the bloggers I follow, Heather, made a youtube video on how to make Skinny Chili Cheese Fries and it's one of my favorite dishes to make. My husband really likes them too. There is something fun about making them, Heather's recipe is neat because of her secret ingredient. The best part is they are relatively healthy so I can feel good about myself. Our good friends, Jess & Drew just had a baby girl several days ago. Instead of bringing over a meal, we brought over the ingredients and made the meal while visiting with the baby. It was great. Here is the recipe we used to feed the four of us with some leftover. Delicious!

  • 4 - 5 potatoes (go with a potato per person)
  • 2 - 3 tsp of olive oil (you can go with 1 tsp per 2 potatoes)
  • 2 cans of Turkey Hormel Chili (or another low fat/fat free can of chili)
  • 1 can of chili packet seasoning
  • 2 cups of shredded fat free cheddar cheese or 1/2 cup of cheese per person (you can use 2% or regular cheese, but fat free works because you don't have to melt it)
  • salt & pepper (we went with kosher salt!)
  • 10 - 12 ice cubes
  • 2 1 gallon ziplock bags 
  • 2 cookie trays/baking trays with ridges
  • 2 very large sheets of Tinfoil

  1. Preheat ove to 450 degrees.
  2. Slice each potato into 8 to 10 french fry wedges
  3. Divide potatoes into each ziplock bag.
  4. Add olive oil to each bag.
  5. Split contents of chili among both bag, then seal bag & SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE! (see, told you it was a fun recipe!).
  6. Make sure oil & chili seasoning is mixed up nicely and evenly among all the fries.
  7. Take out fries and spread out among cookie sheets/baking sheets.
  8. Now take all the ice cubes and spread them out intermittently among the french fries so they cover all areas of both cooking sheets.
  9. Wrap up each tray with tinfoil cover tightly and seal edges.
  10. Bake both trays in oven for 20 minutes. The ice cubes & tinfoil will STEAM the potatoes, so they cook without getting burnt!
  11. Remove from oven, remove tinfoil, rotate potatoes to other side, sprinkle with salt & pepper.
  12. Place bake in oven uncovered and cook to make them crispy.
  13. Bake for another 20 minutes, could be 10 minutes, could be 30...watching to see how crispy you want them and that they don't burn.
  14. Remove from oven, top with chili & cheese and enjoy!
I would love to know that you visited my blog or tried out a recipe. Leave me some love & encouragement!

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I would love to know that you visited my blog. Let me know if you have tried out this recipe. Leave me some love & encouragement!