
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Crock Pot Corn Chowder

There is this cool website called A Year of Slow Cooking about a women who set a New Year's Resolution to cook, using her crock pot, every day in 2008. It's great because she has a TON of slow cooker recipes. There are desserts, drinks, entrees, soups, etc. All kinds of recipes. I found this corn chowder one and decided to give it a try.

I did this recipe a little differently. The original recipe has you throw everything into a slow cooker, cook for 4 hours, then puree the soup using a small hand mixer while the soup is hot. I didn't have the resources or the skill to do that. So I pureed everything in a blender first, then put it in the slow cooker and cooked it after everything was blended together. I was still happy with the results. You may want to add more seasoning, or garlic, or other types of vegetables. But the corn and potatoes is what gets it done. 

2 quarts of low fat chicken broth
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced red pepper
1/2 cup diced celery
1/4 cup shredded carrots
32 ounces of frozen corn
6 small white potatoes (i didn't peel mine, but you can choose to take the skins off of yours)
1/2 cup low fat shredded cheese (optional)
olive oil or fat free cooking spray
fresh parsley
salt & pepper

Brown the onion in oil until cooked.
Add onion, red pepper, celery, carrots, broth, & corn into a blender and puree. You can do this in sections, if needed.
Add potatoes and blend more. 
It should be a creamy consistency and there shouldn't be too many lumps. 
Transfer to slow cooker. Cook on high for 4 to 5 hours or low for 8 to 9 hours.
When ready to serve top with cheese & parsley, add salt & pepper to taste. 
Serve with toast. 

What do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I would love to know that you visited my blog. Please leave me a message letting me know you were here! Did you try out a recipe? Let me know! I would love to hear from you :-)

1 comment:

  1. Look at you--getting all fancy with the presentation.
    I was surprised that you were able to get the potatoes pureed when they were still raw--maybe another way would be to use canned potatoes that are already cooked.
    I just added that blog to my google reader.
    Your dad wouldn't like this--he's not into corn chowder. I did feed him lobster bisque last night and he liked it.


I would love to know that you visited my blog. Let me know if you have tried out this recipe. Leave me some love & encouragement!