
Friday, February 18, 2011

Cake Pops (Owls)

SO SO SO ADORABLE. A lot of work, these owls were, but totally worth it.

Remember, you may want to start making regular ol' cake balls or cake pops before jumping into these fancy-schmancy creatures. Warning: This is an all day project. But if you are up for the challenge...then you'll love the outcome.

You have to shape the cake balls more into cake ovals. After they are in the freezer for 15 minutes you can attach chocolate chips (using melted chocolate as glue) on top to form the pointy ears. 

 Once they set you dip it all into melted chocolate, drip off excess, and let them dry in cake pop stand.

Attach eyes, hands/claws, feet/talons, and nose. The eyes are white candy necklace pieces. I went to three different stores and couldn't find them. But luckily I have an amazing husband who found them at Stauffer's for me. :-) 

I was getting desperate and was worried we wouldn't find any so I experimented with cheerios. They weren't too bad :-)

The feet are tiny, special flower-like sprinkles in orange or pink.

The claws are brown m&m's, you should try the mini m&m's, they look better (or not attach anything for hands at all).

What do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I would love to know that you visited my blog. Please leave me a message letting me know you were here! Did you try out a recipe? Let me know! I would love to hear from you :-)


  1. Jill! These are fantastic. Abbey is obsessed with owls. I'll definitely have to show this to her tomorrow! Awesome job. I don't think that I would have the patience/time for this... You should start your own business. Maybe a stand at Central Market??

  2. You most certainly need to market these and Central Market sounds like a perfect place along with Naomi's cupcakes. May even be willing to add party mix. Something salty to go with all the sweets.

  3. What did you use for the nose? These are adorable!


I would love to know that you visited my blog. Let me know if you have tried out this recipe. Leave me some love & encouragement!