
Sunday, April 10, 2011

S'more Cookies

My husband loves making s'mores around the campfire and his favorite dessert is warm chocolate chip cookies, so when my mom showed me this recipe, I just knew I had to make them. 

My brother-in-law came to town and I got together with some of my in-laws and my awesome nieces and we decided to try these out for dessert.

What you do is you construct a s'more. (half size)

Then you encompass the s'more in cookie dough. And bake it.

It was delicious, but it turned out to be a hot mess. They kind of just fell apart. Check out the pictures on this blog to see what it should have looked like. 

I think the strategy is to use A LOT of dough or to make homemade dough. I tried just using a big container of cookie dough. I think you actually need 2 containers to make about 8 cookies. As you can see, because we didn't have enough dough, some of the s'mores weren't completely covered and I think that might have been where this recipe went wrong. The chocolate and marshmallows need enough time to melt without the actual cookies being burnt.

I'm anxious to try this recipe again sometime soon, but for now it at least tasted good though it didn't look too pretty.

What do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I would love to know that you visited my blog. Please leave me a message letting me know you were here! Did you try out a recipe? Let me know! I would love to hear from you :-)

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