
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Spaghetti Squash & Cucumber Salad

We brought a meal to our friends who had a baby semi-recently and it was enough to bring them the Pastelón (Sweet Plantain Puerto Rican Lasagna). But I had a leftover spaghetti squash from when I made Spaghetti Squash Primavera. I wanted to try something new with it. So instead of doing a hot dish, I tried out this salad. Once the squash is cooked & the veggies are chopped it's very easy to make. I added some laughing cow cheese to do something different with it. I was also proud that I actually made lemon zest from a lemon rather than just buying it from the spice aisle. This is a refreshing salad and incredibly low in fat & calories if you leave out the oil. 

1 spaghetti squash, cut in half & seeded
1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1/2 cup black olives, cut in half
2 cucumbers, peeled, sliced, & cut in half
1 red onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup lemon juice or juice from a lemon
3 wedges of laughing cow cheese, cut into chunks
1 tbsp lemon zest
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp garlic salt
1 tsp black pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place the halves of the squash in a baking dish (cut-side facing down).
Bake in oven for about 30 minutes or until it can be cut smoothly.
Scrape out spaghetti squash with fork and let it cool.
Toss the spaghetti squash with olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, cheese & garlic in a large bowl.
Meanwhile, mix the lemon juice & lemon zest in a small bowl.
Pour olive oil into lemon mixture.
Whisk vigorously and add salt & pepper.
Drizzle over the spaghetti squash mixture and toss well.
Refrigerate for about 1 to 2 hours before serving. 

What do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I would love to know that you visited my blog. Please leave me a message letting me know you were here! Did you try out a recipe? Let me know! I would love to hear from you :-)

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