
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Confessions of a Workaholic

During the school year I tend to be MIA. I spend all my time after school grading papers and not so much time doing what I enjoy more; cooking & blogging. I have still be doing a ton of cooking, but haven't been able to document it as much as I've liked. Not too worry though, I'm not giving up. One of my New Year's Resolutions of 2011 was to blog 200 times. I only made it to 130+ but I'm still proud of that. This blog brought me much fun & joy since I started it. So stay tuned in the next few weeks for some back-logged recipes from this summer/fall. Enjoy!

1 comment:

I would love to know that you visited my blog. Let me know if you have tried out this recipe. Leave me some love & encouragement!