
Monday, August 6, 2012

Cookie Dough Cupcakes

Last summer I was vacationing with my sister-in-laws, my mother-in-law, and all 5 of my nieces. It was an awesome time. We had a lot of fun, but at the end of the day, we definitely needed a reward and time to relax. One night for dessert I made cookie dough cupcakes and with the extra batter I made a cookie dough cake. 

You might find some recipes for this online at or all over if you google the idea. Lots of good recipes out there and lots of pretty images out there :-)  The recipe I came up with is a super easy version of all other recipes out there. I know these cupcakes/cake would taste super delicious if I made the cookie dough from scratch and the cake batter from scratch as well. 

But if you recall I made this at the beach while helping to take care of 5 little girls UNDER the age of 3. I wanted to spend my evening relaxing and not doing so much baking. I went with pre-made tube of Nestle Toll House cookie dough and a box of Duncan Hines and it still came out yummy. The following recipes makes 12 cupcakes and one small cake in a 8 x 8 square pan or about 24 cupcakes instead.

1 box of cake mix (I used the yellow kind) 3 eggs (or whatever the box says you need) 1 1/3 cups of water (or whatever the box says you need) 1/3 cup canola oil (or whatever the box says you need) 1 tube of cookie dough (You can use the 30 oz tube to make larger size cookie dough balls) Tub of frosting (I went with chocolate) Cupcake liners Chocolate sprinkles (optional)

Before you do anything else roll the cookie dough into 24 small round balls. Place on a lined cookie sheet with freezer paper/wax paper and place in freezer for 2 hours.
VERY IMPORTANT - The cookie dough must be frozen for this to work!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix the box of cake mix with the proper ingredients in the mixer until smooth.
Line a muffin tin with 24 cupcake liners. 
Pour in the batter.
Then place a frozen cookie dough ball in the center of each uncooked cupcake.
Place in the oven and cook for about 16 to 20 minutes.
Be careful not to overcook or the cookie dough will be dry inside.

This is my mom's awesome retro mixer from the 70's! Still works and looks really cool!

What do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I would love to know that you visited my blog. Please leave me a message letting me know you were here! Did you try out a recipe? Let me know! I would love to hear from you :-)

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