
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Guacamole, at last!

I finally made guacamole! I thought this day would never come. I always time the avocados wrong. They either spoil or they aren't ripe enough. So I was excited to get them just right and actually make the guacamole. And you know what? It actually tasted good! I brought it to my cooking club's meeting last week. We were getting together to make Thanksgiving baskets for single-parent families at church and I wanted to bring a munchie. I was excited that I actually got to finish the process, for once.

  • 1 package of guacamole mix/seasoning
  • 2-3 ripe avocados
  • 1-2 medium tomatoes, diced
  • 1 small onion or green onions, diced
  • 1 tsp of lemon or lime juice (optional)


  1. Follow directions on package which involves adding water to mix to make guacamole paste.
  2. Peel, pit, & mash avocados. My results never look this good, but if you need further instructions this website is very helpful. 
  3. Add to paste. Stir in tomatoes & onions. Add lemon or lime juice if desired. 
  4. Serve with a bag of baked Tostitoes. 
Does anyone know any good restaurants where they make the guacamole right in front of you? I've always wanted to try one of those places. 

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