
Monday, November 8, 2010

Pepperoni 'N Cheese Quiche

I'm all about pre-making things these days. My Freezer Pleasers book is perfect for this. It gives me exact instructions on how long I can freeze each dish and what to do when I'm ready to eat it. I made two of these quiches to use at The Union next Sunday.

However...things don't always go according to plan...

I thought I'd share all my "success stories" on this blog. I've been having a lot of them (or so says my husband). But I want to be real with all of you so. So that means I need to share the good, the bad, & the ugly. This would be bad & ugly (see gross picture).

I've made good quiche in the past, but this one....well it sucked! 

Not sure what went wrong. I pre-made it and froze it. But then cooked it for an hour after defrosting & it still didn't cook! So I had to toss BOTH quiches that I made. It was a sad day. (I made oatmeal instead). 

The recipe called for Half & Half and eggs. I used Fat Free Half & Half and egg substitute. Do you think that's what messed up my recipe? Maybe I needed to cook it longer? Any thoughts?

Feel free to try the recipe below and let me know what i did wrong. Perhaps the freezing ruined it. Even though my Freezers Pleasers book said that I could. It's a shame...I know this would've been delicious!

Ingredients (makes 2 quiches):
  • 2 9 inch pastry shells
  • 1/2 package of Turkey Pepperoni slices
  • 2 cups shredded 2% cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup diced onion
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrot
  • 1/2 cup diced celery
  • 4 eggs or 12 oz. of egg substitute
  • 2 cups fat free half and half cream
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

  1. Divide the pepperoni, cheese, onion, carrot, and celery among the two shells.
  2. In a bowl, mix the eggs, cream, salt, & pepper. Pour into shells.
  3. Cover & freeze.
  4. Or bake quiche, covered in foil, for 40 minutes at 400 degrees.
I would love to know that you visited my blog or tried out a recipe. Leave me some love & encouragement!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear it didn't turn out. I don't know for certain, but is there a chance the eggs had been previously frozen? I know that sometimes when I make scrambled eggs from egg beaters, the consistency is a little off, but I don't know why.
    Next time, maybe you should cook it first and then freeze it?


I would love to know that you visited my blog. Let me know if you have tried out this recipe. Leave me some love & encouragement!