
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

4th of July Cake Pops

Well, it's August & I'm blogging about July. (Kind of like the time I blogged about Pi Day in July) I'm alway behind on my holidays. Oops! But that doesn't make these any less cute!!! My husband's family is quickly growing and this past 4th of July marks the first time we've all been together in over a year. Between the birth of my nieces and my youngest sibling in-laws being away at college, we weren't able to all be together on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter of this past year. 

So July 4th marked a reunion of sorts. It was a great day. My sister-in-law & I ran the Ephrata 5 Mile Fire Cracker. It was her first post-triplets race. I especially enjoyed it because I got to push 2 of my nieces in a stroller. Annabelle & Grace were quite the hit and I felt like a rock star for running all 5 miles while pushing a double-wide stroller. We squeezed in a family photo, some dutch blitiz, and had a great dinner. I put myself in charge of dessert where I made a vanilla pudding trifle dish dessert and these awesome mint oreo ball American flag. I make these oreo balls, just like I would cake pop balls, but instead of cake & frosting I use oreo (or mint oreo) and cream cheese. I had to melt 3 different colors to dip these into. You have to use a spoon to scoop them out of the chocolate, then place them on wax paper to dry. I also had special colored sprinkles & paper liners to match. It was a lot of work to make, but worth it. Did I mention I LOVE mint oreo???

 If you are not up for making 42 cake balls, here is a simpler design you can do.

What a good looking group!

What do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I would love to know that you visited my blog. Please leave me a message letting me know you were here! Did you try out a recipe? Let me know! I would love to hear from you :-)

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