Sunday, July 3, 2011

Easy Dinner - Shrimp & Veggies

Gorton's Shrimp + Green Giant Veggies + Quinoa = 

I'm enjoying cooking delicious meals from scratch. But sometimes it's nice to take the night off. Here is a perfect meal for two that can be made in about 10 minutes. It's nice to buy the items ahead of time (when they are on sale) and save this for a rainy day (or a busy week!)

Take one bag of Gorton's Grilled Shrimp (& cook according to package directions, I recommend cooking them in the oven, takes about 10 - 12 minutes).

Take one package of Green Giant vegetables (any kind will do, I just really like this specific kind! MMMMmmm Edamame.) and steam in the Microwave according to box directions. It will take about 5 to 6 minutes to do plus additional minutes to cool. So you can cook these shortly after the shrimp go in the oven.

Cook about one cup of Quinoa. This is the only brand that they sell at Darrenkamp's but I know there are other kinds and I've never tried the red quinoa before. If you don't like Quinoa (or know what the heck it is -- pronounced KIN-WA) you can use rice, or couscous, or a type of pasta instead. The Quinoa will take away 10 minutes to cook. So you can start boiling the water first. Cook according to package directions. It's nice to have some pre-made Quinoa in the fridge. If you are able to heat that up and serve with shrimp & veggies then the meal will be easy-peasy!

What do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I would love to know that you visited my blog. Please leave me a message letting me know you were here! Did you try out a recipe? Let me know! I would love to hear from you :-)

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